Tuesday, November 23, 2010

May 3, 1942

Sunday night

Darling, My gosh hold me down, I'm flying high--Just missed my bus to go back to Pittsburgh, Aunt Eva has been fitting dresses on me all afternoon and evening. Called Mr. Potts while I was down in Moundsville, and he said he had written Mr. Higgenbotham last week , and as yet had not received any word from him. So, I called Mr. Higgenbotham as soon as I got back in Wheeling, and he said is just a minute ago over the telephone, that he thought I could consider the proposition settle, and would write me Tuesday, when he returned to Charleston confirming it. Then he will make out a program of suggested studies for this summer course of mine. Yipe, I'm happy. School marm---that's e. Just had to add this to the note, and pictures that mother is sending.

Stopped in to see your mother today, and take her a little present for mother's day, but she had gone to the Cathedral to see your coustin as may queen or something. Saw George and Mary (note to the reader: George and Mary are Emil's brother and sister). Will go down again next Sunday afternoon to see them all, and get all the messages to be sent to you, for do you realize that it is the next Thursday evening, that I start my little jaunt down to see you young man--hardly seems possible does it. I'm all excited, and if I talk as much as I have talked this week end--heaven help you.

Now let me see what else in a hurry--oh yes, if there's a dance--fine I'm ready to keep up with you young man--and how. Daddy is getting his coat on--and I've got to catch a five thirty bus in the morning--so lordy lordy little man, I love you bushels and think your elegant, and gosh I wish you were here for I'm in a celebrating mood--but that will wait until I get down there to see you.

All my love is yours--Becky xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx guess you know who there for --xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yippee, as a school teacher to be I'm a rotten speller & typist.

Love you Boo!

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