Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Box 440
Whg. W. Va.

May 12, 1942
Cadet Emil E. Narick
Sqd. D. Group I
Orderly Office
Maxwell Field, Alabama
Monday Evening
After supper
Hiya brother dear,
How's our boy feeling today? Fine, we're all hoping.
Say boy, we haven't heard from you for days. What is the matter? Busy, I'll betcha! Well, write whenever you have the time and we'll appreciate your sending. Mother and Pop and the rest of the family really look forward to your letters.
Mom got your ornament two days before Mother's Day, but it was broken to pieces! Mary & Mom took it up to the post-office and they had it sent to you. For what, I don't know! What we did see of your Mother's Day gift was simply grand! Mother like it loads, and wants me to be sure and thank you a million for the gift and the very nice card. Nice of you to remember, bro!
Mother and Mary we're in town this afternoon. They met Mrs. Nay. Mom thinks she's wonderful and so does Mary!
Becky was down home Sunday afternoon, but no one was home. Mother was at the May procession at the Cathedral in Whg. (Wheeling). Mary was out for the afternoon, and I was in bed! But Becky came up and left a bottle of Old Spice Toilet Water for Mom. Was so sweet of her! She's a dear, and we all like her plenty!!
Becky brought the pictures of you in uniform, playing football. Say hon, they are nice. Would I be asking you for too much if I asked for a picture of you (alone) in uniform. Please Emil, may I have it?
Mother would just love to have a big picture of you in uniform. They want to put it in on her dresser.
Well dear, words are failing me. Write soon. Regards and love from every single one of us!
Like you!
Your Sis,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cadet Emil E. Narick
Sqd. D. Group 1
Orderly Office
Maxwell Field, Alabama

May 10, 1942

Just few lines for writing. Receve you leters. I not understanding good writing English that what not writing from my self. Home everything right. Beky been here last Sunday after-non. Show me and mother you pichers and left here so we old family see pichers then she kam back for pickhers before leve for trip to you by plane. She told me and mother that going be nice of her. Me and mother like here that you in office work something extra better - - - - -my be not going in action. Here cold every day litle. I not work for 1 week repair by mine on - - - - - - - - -we not work sence 3 May. Maybe start on 13 May. Beky say she not - - - - nothing else only has going on trip for you by plane 22 May. She say what got money from her mother and dad for graduation that going spending on trip and take lot of pichers over here by you place. - - - - - -mother filing o.k. and everybodyelse.

Yours mother and dad

Good by

P.W. I receve your papers what you send 1 month ago in Charleston. Charleston and in Morgantown - - - - - -Receve old that paper except not receve yours diploma from Pittsburgh University

Yours mother and dad
Steven and Rose Narick

I keep that papers home in safe- - - -

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

May 3, 1942

Sunday night

Darling, My gosh hold me down, I'm flying high--Just missed my bus to go back to Pittsburgh, Aunt Eva has been fitting dresses on me all afternoon and evening. Called Mr. Potts while I was down in Moundsville, and he said he had written Mr. Higgenbotham last week , and as yet had not received any word from him. So, I called Mr. Higgenbotham as soon as I got back in Wheeling, and he said is just a minute ago over the telephone, that he thought I could consider the proposition settle, and would write me Tuesday, when he returned to Charleston confirming it. Then he will make out a program of suggested studies for this summer course of mine. Yipe, I'm happy. School marm---that's e. Just had to add this to the note, and pictures that mother is sending.

Stopped in to see your mother today, and take her a little present for mother's day, but she had gone to the Cathedral to see your coustin as may queen or something. Saw George and Mary (note to the reader: George and Mary are Emil's brother and sister). Will go down again next Sunday afternoon to see them all, and get all the messages to be sent to you, for do you realize that it is the next Thursday evening, that I start my little jaunt down to see you young man--hardly seems possible does it. I'm all excited, and if I talk as much as I have talked this week end--heaven help you.

Now let me see what else in a hurry--oh yes, if there's a dance--fine I'm ready to keep up with you young man--and how. Daddy is getting his coat on--and I've got to catch a five thirty bus in the morning--so lordy lordy little man, I love you bushels and think your elegant, and gosh I wish you were here for I'm in a celebrating mood--but that will wait until I get down there to see you.

All my love is yours--Becky xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx guess you know who there for --xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yippee, as a school teacher to be I'm a rotten speller & typist.

Love you Boo!

In the previous letter from Becky's Folks, they mention getting the gem sized (engagement ring) . The receipt shows the name of the jeweler as W.J. Lukens Co. Jewelers in Wheeling, W. VA. It was located on Market Street. Date of the receipt is 4/28/42 and the amount paid on the account was $55.00. Name on receipt is Emil E. Narick, Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama.

W.J. Lukens Co. opened in Wheeling, W. Va., in 1883. I am thrilled that I have this actual receipt. It was in the letters that I bought on E-Bay.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pent House 12th St. Garage Bldg.
Wheeling, West Va.
April 29, 1942
Cadet Emil E. Narick
Squadron D. Group 1
Barrack 813, Room 2
Maxwell Field
Montgomery, Alabama
Wed. Afternoon
Dear Emil:
We were so happy to have your letter this morning, so happy that you are getting along so well. We are betting on you, we know you can do it.
We have our girl home for the week. She is all worn out and the Dr. would not hear to her going back to school until she is all rested up and her pain gone.
We were so worried when Kay brought her home Monday night, but after she had a new blood count we are certain that the rest will do the work. As you know her, she was hard to make know she was a sick girl. But I guess we have her under control now.
She has worked so hard all winter and all the things to worry about, beside her school work, which has not been easy at all. But I think we can have her all in good shape and able to make her trip to see you that is if she minds the doctor.
I am enclosing receipt on the amount you sent Becky. She had never been able to have it cashed until yesterday. So while we had her out to the Dr. she cashed the money order and went and had the Gem sized for her finger.
I will await your instructions about having it shipped your way. No doubt you will want to use it when the little girl comes down.
She's about decided to fly both was. Her Dad thinks it would be so much nicer and easier for her since she is not feeling up to par. We have most decided not o let her go through her graduation on the first of June. It would be a lot of rush and worry, and if she goes to summer school she will need some rest before the gets into it again. All depends.
Got to go to work, Boss is calling.
Best of good luck,
Becky's Folks