Thursday, May 6, 2010

Convenient "Engine Trouble" in a C-46

After graduation in 1939, Emil worked for the Ford Motor Co. After Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps.

One time, as he flew a C-46 across the eastern United States, the C-46 conveniently developed "engine trouble" over Wheeling, West Virginia. Being an easy drive of the love of his life, Rebecca Nay, Emil landed the plane. He assumed the military wouldn't be the wiser. However, his plane was by far the largest ever to land at the Wheeling airport. The local newspaper not only covered the landing, but reported Emil and Rebecca dining together.

When Emil reached his destination, MP's escorted him from the C-46 and took him to the commanding officer who proceeded to "chew" Emil out in a rather loud voice. The commanding officer later remarked, "Wish I'd thought of that one."


  1. Today, he would have been all over CNN and Fox news.

  2. This is interesting. Keep up the good work.
    David @
