Saturday, May 22, 2010

January 30, 1942 Friday night

Special Delivery January 31, 1942
Cadet Emil E Narick
Corps of Aviation Cadets
Maxwell Field
Montgomery, Alabama

In a few minutes Peggy and Bob will be calling for me to go to a movie. How nice if we could all be together, but those days will come again.

It seems that we are always having an anniversary over something or other-doesn't it-Just a week ago this morning you left. Don't you feel as though you were in an entirely different world? Nice warm climate now for you. I'm sure you are going to like that new life of yours. And before you know it, you will have your commission, and yes-I will be with you. Ours will probably be a funny life for awhile, but I will be happy anywhere, just so I can be with you. Its hard to tell where we will live, or under what conditions but those things are quite incidental.

There isn't a great deal of news to write about today. Researched all day over on the 19th floor -making charts-and finally Ginny Vinnedge and I sorted sales checks for about three hours-a tiresome job. I'd go completely batty if I had a job like that day after day!

At noon, Jane Stonerod and I went up to the bank and what a crowd was there! Pay day I guess. Took me about twenty minutes to even get up to the window.

This evening was down to King Edward - bought a lot of magazines and had a chocolate milk at our favorite table in the back. The boys there were asking about you.


Just came in from the movies with Peggy and Bob. We went to see "The Man Who Came to Dinner". It really is the fastest moving movie I've seen for some time and is excellent. Bob and Peggy tickle me to pieces - their plans are indefinite too - not for exactly the same reasons. Oh yes, Bob said for me to be sure and tell you that when I went out with them, they really showed me a time. Not just to the show, mind you, but hamburgers too!, at the White Tower...they were good.

Didn't get a letter today so I'll come back out to the apartment tomorrow night after work before going home. There just might be a letter.

With all due respect to Peggy and Bob, I think we are a nicer couple, prejudiced aren't I! But I do think we are pretty nice.

Had a card from mother today saying she had been vaccinated. Also that daddy's uncle Bock Nay had died in Casey, IL on Tuesday. All his other uncles had just been by on Monday. The Nays certainly are disappearing fast. Daddy is the last of that line. I always thought I would like to include Nay in my son's name because of that, but it wouldn't sound right to name a boy Bland Nay Narick. Nay and Narick just sound too much alike don't they?

I'm here by myself tonight. The girls have gone home. I was so glad that Peg and Bob took me out tonight, for I would have been pretty moody staying in by myself I suppose. I've learned in this past week to stay around people, for I miss you too terribly when I'm by myself. Mother appreciated your letter so much - good work - Drop Jonesy a card and mention how much I enjoyed going out with them. They were swell. Jonesy sends his very best and is calling me for your exact address next week when I come back from home.

Darling, let's save dimes, you and I. I have a new piggy bank which will hold just $20. Let's do that and buy another bond. Does it appeal to you? I'll try to save at least a dime a day. Maybe I can make it a dollar a week. It wouldn't take us long that way, would it? What do you think?

Darling, I've wondered what you are doing tonight. What you are thinking and wondering if my letters are reaching you alright. I'll send this special delivery in the hope that you get it Sunday. It's spring weather here tonight too, darling. Now if we just had some of the sunshine you seem to have so much of down there. I'm wishing our warm weather would stay around. But we really haven't had our snowy season have we?

Tonight in one of the magazines I was looking through I found these three little quotations which I though were quite good:

"What They Say About Living"

Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in our own sunshine----Emerson

Character is the result, not so much of trying to be good, as trying to be better----Anon

No one is entirely useless. Even the worst of us can serve as horrible examples -----The Arkansas Banner

I'm finding myself comparing you with everyone I know dearest, You know, there can never be happiness for me without you. I'm in love with you Emil. Not for just the "duration" but forever.

My love to Uncle Sam's best Cadet


I love you more darling and am sending you a special kiss. Shut your eyes and think of it.

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