Monday, May 3, 2010

In the beginning....

My history with Emil and Rebecca began in Feb, 2007 when I purchased some World War II love letters off of EBay. I read the letters with great interest because of my desire to learn about the daily lives of the men and women during wartime. I was born in the late 1940's and grew up hearing my parents, mostly my mother, talk of World War II. I've always had a fascination with the time period of 1939-1945 in the United States.

The letters exchanged between Emil and Rebecca show their tremendous love for one another and also give great insight to the feelings that American's had for their support of the War. Individual feelings were put aside and put on hold for the "duration". Any sacrifice was not too great. It's a shame that so many Americans are totally clueless to what that would be like today.

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