Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aircraft Accident Report

On July 1, 1942 at Bateman Field, Camden, S. C. Aviation Cadet E.E. Narick, at the controls of a PT-17, Serial No. 41-25629, while landing his plane was struck by a gust of wind at an altitude of approximately six (6) feet,. The ship went over on the left wing and struck the ground, breaking a spar, then rolled over on the right wing in a ground loop to the left. After the impact the throttle was closed to prevent further damage.

The aircraft accident classification committee meet on July 7, 1942 and concluded that the student (Emil Narick) landed with his left wing low. The wing striking the ground and causing the airplane to ground loop to the left. Had the student been more alert and corrected the attitude of the airplane before striking the ground, the accident could have been avoided. Recommending continued stress be placed on proper landing technique.

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