Saturday, May 15, 2010


In April, 1942, Rebecca has an opportunity to teach in high school, but this would postpone their marriage a year as Rebecca has to sign a contract for one year. For her interview at the McClure Hotel, it was suggested that she dress "older". So Rebecca selected a tan suit, black hat and shoes. The teaching position (which she did obtain) would be at Moundsville.

This new job required Rebecca to go to summer school for six weeks to obtain the educational requirements and then three more weeks of training (as she already had her under graduate degree). Teaching would mean working 10 months from the middle of August to the middle of June at a salary of $150 a month ....$1500 a year. The summer course would cost $300. This teaching position would teach vocational people for jobs which must be filled in stores and in some cases which have been left open by men being called to the forces. Incidentally that was what happened to the teacher whose place Rebecca would fill.

Rebecca refused to marry Emil before she finished teaching as she didn't won't to be married and be away from him. They both agreed that marriage should not be started with a separation. She wished that they could wait until all of this War "business" were over but that was impossible for now...America was no longer a country at peace. The whole War situation was so much more serious than they thought when he left to join the Army Air Corps. The War was much more complicated and involved than just Rebecca's and Emil's personal life. The couple would have to put aside their plans and do their job completely and get this War business over with.

With Rebecca's teaching salary she could buy linens and perhaps their sterling. Emil could put his pay into savings and they would be pretty well set come the summer of 1943.

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