Monday, July 15, 2013

Update after Pearl Harbor Tour

July 15, 2013

I've not posted any updates regarding Emil and Rebecca in about one year but plan on getting back on track soon.  I have been blessed with getting to retire from work (40 years) and have found that my life stays quite busy. 

Had the fortunate opportunity to visit Pearl Harbor and tour the USS Missouri (where the Japanese surrendered in WW II) and the USS Arizona memorial.  Those moments during our tours were very moving and made me really conect to the that time in U.S. history when our Country was at war. Not only fighting the Germans but also the Japanese.  Our way of life as we knew it at that time (1941-1945) was being threatened and Americans did as they needed to do...they "signed up" to defend our glorious red, white and blue. Emil Narick being one of them.  Those Americans that couldn't serve in the armed servies, did their part by working in industries that supported the war effort.  

I proud I feel that I can share these letters and bits of Emil and Rebecca's history with all of you. 

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