Monday, December 27, 2010

June 5, 1942
11:00 p.m.

Boo! (That pest is back again!)

Just came in from the terrace. Daddy is putting the bee hive together. Oh didn't I tell you? Well mother is going to have a hive of bees. They are to be sent in 10 days. Yep, just come in a package, through the mail! Imagine! Now why couldn't they make up packages of bees and send them to the Germans! When they opened them the bees would swarm and sting the dickens out of them.

Oh yes, another of my ideas of annoying them is to raise a very streamlined mosquito which I will starve for weeks, then we will drop thousands of them in Germany and let the feast on the Germans! Then for the Japs, I think I will send them a lovely gift, in fact two gifts - itch - I know they would become attached to them. Going to have our air corps drop bombs which contain lice and fleas, millions of them. I just know they would be effective. Well - enough of my soliloquies.

Would you believe me when I told you the breeze is so cool coming through my window that I had to cover up with a blanket. Brr---but it certainly was hot today!

Ho hum, I'm getting so sleepy right now. Guess it's because there's such a nice breeze coming through the window.

You know my sweet, I found some of the first letters you wrote me last year and I had to laugh, for you certainly are a persistent young man. Now wonder I fell in love with you. Who could resist such a campaign. (here come some memories.) But didn't we have fun that winter dashing home, and going dancing every evening and then when spring came. The drives and walks and those evenings when my conscious simply made me study and then at 10,I would have to meet you at the drugstore. Usually I didn't get much done for I would have to keep looking at the clock to make sure I wouldn't miss the bus.

Hmm, we always have fun don't we. I know we always will, for we are in love - definitely and completely so.

Good night my fiance. We can't be beat.

Keep em flying.

Our special kiss

Your Becky loves you.

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