Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wheeling , W. Va.
April 2, 1942

Dear Emil,
Gosh is about all I can think to say but there will be something pop into my dome in a minute. Pop and I are listening to Kay Kaiser. I'm writing and he's flat on his back as usual. Mr. Wilbert says, "Hello Emil". God! but this is a lot of nothing. Some day I'm going to take a course in letter writing. I think I will start over.

Dear Emil,
Just a few lines to say hello and let you know I'm still alive.

Boy I guess W. V. U. really showed the country that they know something about how basketball in played. I hear that they weren't expected to win one game but they sure fooled everyone. I thought I was going to be around W.V.U. next year but I guess Kerns wasn't as interested as Pop thought. I never did think he was very interested in me anyhow. I think I will enroll in Baldwin Wallace this fall. Ray Watts is the coach there and a very nice fellow. Freshmen will be eligible for varsity sports there next year and maybe I can play a year of football and basketball before they give me a gun which I don't mind at ll. Well that's about all the bull I have to toss but if you ever have a little spare time (which I doubt) drop me a line or two. I know you are plenty busy and I wish you all the luck in the world and I know you will come thru with flying colors.

Yours till I can write better letters and I never will be able to do that.

Chas. L. Wilbert Jr.

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