Army Air Base
Homestead, Florida
Jan. 4, 1942
Dearest Mother and Dad,
Heres that man again right back from where I started-but before I go on-I must tell you how wonderful a vacation I did have and honestly you've been so perfect in making it possible for Becky and I. its the grandest Xmas holiday I've spent in all my life. We had fun in doing things we've always loved, and were able to be together-for all of that I'm so thankful and feel lucky that I was able to be home.
I appreciated every little thing you've done for us-I can't thank you enough-because that wouldn't be enough. Lordley the wonderful memories I have of this leave-the Xmas eve party with the Fairs, the fireplace again, decorating our tree, Mr. Nay in his clothes for tinkering downstairs, mother giving Harry Paul his first apple;our being forced from driving while with the Fairs; the many new improvements around the house, the chickens, Duchess putting her nose in the snow; and the wonderful time "Becca" and I had-she's a darling-life is so complete when we can be together that way-I love and like our "Becca" more than ever before. We had so darn much at the dance we went to and dining with the Wilberts-particularly Sue Bockman coming to see us every few minutes.
My trip down was not of routine after getting started. Becky probably has told you my train from Wheeling was late getting started-however I got to Pittsburgh about 4:00A.M. Had to wait until 9:00am to get the train to Washington. While waiting in Pittsburgh I called Jonesy & Hawkins-so we had breakfast together & talked until I left. Jonesy is little nervous about leaving this Wed. but he'll like it once he gets started. Got to Washington in time to get the Streamliner to Florida-arrived in Miami about 7:45P.M.-only 2 hrs late this trip.
Here I go again sending out Propoganda about this Florida climate-but darn it I can't resist. Its really beautiful-just like mid-summer at home. I'm wearing summer clothes-if I stay here very long I'll have to put my winter clothes in storage.
Today we were issued all our flying equipment which will be our permanent possessions-Jacket, shirt, cap, goggles, sweater, flying suit. Also we took care of all necessary paper work. Incidentally you remember the discussion we had at the Fairs about not being able to save $500 by June. Inform Helen Louise I'll be glad to make her a wager that I'll have that amount by June and still have the things I need. I still can't see how they figure you can't-I guess I'll have to prove it to them-that'll be the best way.
We'll stay here until February sometime-then be assigned to a permanent station that we'll call home. Until then we'll fly transition in the ships that'll be using in our Transport flying. I like this phase of flying more everyday. Right now I'm rather eager to get started and get in some flying. We'll start in the morning.
I'll write as we keep moving along more in our work. Please thank the Roberts for taking Becky and I to the bridge-and again mother and dad thanks a million for everything you've done for us-made life so beautiful while home. Things like this make a fellow so much more determined to work hard and make a success in life-Becky and I can and will do just that.
So until later-I'll be thinking of you always
Loads of love